Ms. Pigue's Fifth Grade
     After reviewing these laws and agreements of software I am surprised were available to blog and are not incarcerated. These companies are not playing when it comes to their products!!! Before this assignment I did not understand what these four terms meant. My definition of piracy was downloading music illegally, and I thought a copyright was just small print they put at the bottom of documents. I feel like I should hang posters in the copy room and the computer lab so that I can "stop crime!" I decided to choose Software Piracy  because it appeared to be the topic that occurs in violation the most. I learned that books, workbooks, music and other documents can not always be copied in their entity...there are limitations to things-even educational things!!!
9/25/2010 04:01:46 am

I also see a great need to read the fine print. People work hard to make the software products and we as teachers need to use them appropriately.


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