Ms. Pigue's Fifth Grade

YEA...!!! What an Adventure about Photosynthesis

     Good job boys and girls I am so proud of you!!! I hope you enjoyed your journey of learning about Photosynthesis. Take a minute to check your answers with mine and then turn your notebook paper into the assignment box.

Here are the answers...


1. The two parts of Photosynthesis include the Light Reaction which happens in the thylakoid membrane. During this part light energy is converted to chemical energy. The energy harvested with this reaction is stored by forming a chemical called ATP. Also, the Dark Reaction which happens in the stoma within the chloroplast, and converts carbon dioxide to sugar. This part of Photosynthesis does not need light directly to occur, but does require some products of light to take place. The Dark Reaction also involves a cycle, called the Calvin Cycle, in which carbon dioxide and energy from ATP are used to form sugar.  Your answer will not be word-for-word with mine but should include the same concepts.

2. The formula for Photosynthesis is 6 H2o + 6 Co2---C6H12o6 + 6o2 and translates into six molecules of water plus six molecules of carbon dioxide, which produces one molecule of sugar plus six molecules of oxygen.

3. This information shows that Photosynthesis consists of a series of chemical reactions that require carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis then transfers electrons from water to energy poor carbon dioxide molecules forming energy rich sugar molecules. Then the water is oxidized and carbon dioxide gains electrons. Light energy is used to send the electrons from water to more energetic states in the sugar products, converting solar energy into chemical energy.   Your answer will not be word-for-word with mine but should include the same concepts.

4. The leaf structure is closely associated with a leaf's photosynthetic function.

5. The order of the leaf structure includes:
cuticle, upper epidermis, Palisade mesophyll, Spongy mesophyll, and the stoma.

6. Photosynthesis is important to us because of the fact that oxygen released during this process is necessary for all living things. Also, we can not make our own food, food must come from plants because plants are the first step in the food chain.

7. The answers to the Photosynthesis review should be as follows... light; xylem; phloem; chloroplasts; oxygen; grapes, oranges, and plums; corn and potatoes; light; together.